Press Releases
The Rossini project aims to increase industrial efficiency by making the most of the collaboration between robot and human operator, improving the synergy between them. In modern collaborative robotic cells, a worker and a robot share the workspace, each having their own set of tasks. Such a collaboration brings great changes in the working environment and affects the worker’s job quality. Job quality is influenced by how tasks are allocated and scheduled between the operator and the robot. It can be improved by monitoring the operator’s tasks and adapting the task allocation and scheduling whenever needed. In the Rossini project all this is managed by the “cognitive layer”, which has the goal to generate an optimal schedule for the worker and the robot.
Read MoreThe Rossini project aims to increase industrial efficiency by making the most of the collaboration between robot and human operator, improving the synergy between them. In modern collaborative robotic cells, indeed, a human operator and a robot share the workspace in order to execute a common job, consisting of a set of tasks. A proper allocation and scheduling of the tasks for the human and for the robot is crucial for achieving an efficient human-robot collaboration.
Read MoreOver the last years, both Research and Industry have tried to address the requirement for flexible production by introducing technologies that allow humans and robots to coexist and share production tasks.
The benefits of implementing this production paradigm lay in the implementation of flexible and highly reconfigurable production systems which can easily change their operation to accommodate different product families, similar to the way that a human operator would do.
Read MoreResearchers and representatives from all the organisations participating in the ROSSINI project attended the 2nd General Assembly which was organized by Pilz Automation Company.
The progress achieved in the different work-packages was assessed and discussed in several presentations conducted by the respective ROSSINI work-packages leaders. Participants shared the faced challenges as well as the related findings during the previous months of the project.
Read MoreTraditionally, industrial robots must be confined in restricted areas away from humans, in order to avoid contact and accidents. Project partner IRIS, an advanced engineering & technology SME, specifically focuses on the “perception layer” of the platform, which receives a data stream from a diversity of different sensor types (the “sensor layer”), and from this data identifies where the key objects are (humans, robot, products and components being assembled) and what they are doing.
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